Costa Rica has a National Registry that keeps track of all Properties and important legal documents registered and corporations. Every property in Costa Rica has a Finca number, this Name (FINCA) applies to all real estate in Costa Rica. When you locate your FINCA number you must go to: then click on Sistema de Certificaciones y Consultas Gratuitas (Free Consultations)

For this first step you will need to create an account providing your basic information full name, email address etc. When your account is ready, Enter the page and at the left MENU you will go to Consultas Gratuitas ( Free consultation) then you will see  on top BIENES INMUEBLES, click on Search by Número de Finca,  Province (where your property is located) and then your title number,  hit ENTER then complete info will display on your property everything from its registered value, boundaries, size, location, ownership and complete history.

Illustrative art from Costa Rican Artist